In my wandering around the interwebs, I discovered this post by Nick Bolton and have borrowed this public domain image from Franklin's autobiography for our conversation today.
I think this is a great way to approach every day. Time to organize. Time to work. Time to eat. Time to reflect and relax. Time to sleep. There's plenty of time for it all, and it's structured around two questions: "What good shall I do this day?", which starts the day, and "What good have I done today?" which ends the day.
With those questions framing every day, it's hard to imagine not being creative and energized each day. I know that most days I don't explicitly take time to ask these questions, and maybe that's why many days I lack focus and energy.
So, if it worked for Ben, I'm going to give it a try, and start and end each day with a reflection on the good I can do and the good I accomplished.
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